What will your jurisdiction do when a mass casualty incident strikes?
Tabletop training brings your team together to discuss potential real-world scenarios Historically, The Blue Cell facilitators reported to localities that have scheduled in-person tabletop training. Given the climate of the current world during a pandemic, that is not always practical. The Blue Cell has engineered an engaging virtual exercise.
The worst time to find out you are not prepared for a large scale incident is during a large scale incident. When looking at various ways to prepare for multi-agency involved incidents, one of the most beneficial concepts is through tabletop emergency and disaster management training.
The Blue Cell brings you an interactive virtual exercise that evolves with your team. Rather than a slideshow and lecture, we help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and resources through exploratory questions making your team think about what resources will meet your current real world needs. Your team answers the questions to learn of their abilities and gaps of services so that you may effectively utilize every team member during this incident. As each phase of the exercise progresses, so do the unique dynamics of your team so that you may better understand multi-agency collaboration under a unified command!
These tabletop exercises are developed with your team and jurisdiction in mind. With a custom made table top training package, The Blue Cell delivers a product that will leave your team feeling comfortable and confident should the need arise to put your large-scale emergency and disaster management plan into action. Further, The Blue Cell offers Exercise Packages by TTX Vault to continue learning and create your own scenarios to facilitate after our virtual exercise.
These exercises are the ultimate investigative tool for your jurisdiction’s abilities. There are many grants available to help to cover the financial component of these exercises. Contact Jim Erickson for a custom virtual tabletop exercise quote for your team today!
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Melanie Binversie is a Marine Corps wife and mother of three originally from rural Virginia but currently living in Aurora, Colorado. Melanie earned a Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude in Emergency Management and a Minor in Intelligence Studies from American Military University in West Virginia. Melanie has previously worked for many years in Fire and EMS, a lab technician and also as a medic at a jail. She has earned many awards including Fort Belvoir Military Spouse of the Year, Heroes at Home Marine Corps Spouse of the Year. In her free time Melanie loves to read, write, go camping with her family and travel around the world. world.
BCRIMT01, BCRIMT02, BCRIMT05, Emergency Managers, FEMA, G-FEMA, GFEMA, L Courses, FEMA Training, Firefighters, Firefighter Training, G191 Courses, G2300 Courses, ICS300, ICS400, Online ICS400, Online ICS300, Virtual ICS300, Virtual ICS400, Online G2300, Online G191, Self Paced LMS, Virtual G191, Virtual G2300
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