Helping Hurricane Ida Victims
The devastation from Hurricane Ida spreads far and wide in Southeastern Louisiana. With buildings that crumbled, victims stranded on roofs and in attics with water still rising around them, many Americans are standing by, watching the news wondering how they can assist the recovery efforts in this disaster zone.
There are many different ways to help - from donating money to donating time - we can all come together and help those in need.
First and foremost - a HUGE thank you to the NGOs, First Responders, National Guard and other volunteers in the area. Every time the duty calls, you are there to answer. We understand the difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks at hand during the search and rescue period of a natural disaster. We also know that you will stay during the recovery stage still giving your all.
An important note - If you want to volunteer with physical efforts, do not self dispatch. Join an organization to volunteer for accountability and safety.
Here is where you can help with time, resources or monetary donations:
Cajun Navy - Cajun Navy have had boots on the ground throughout the storm. The Cajun Navy is mostly locals with small personal boats but they provide immediate relief with other missions as well. If you would like to volunteer time or resources during the search and rescue phase, you must sign up through their website for accountability. You can also donate supplies or monetary donations through their website.
American Red Cross - The Red Cross is arguably the most recognized disaster relief organization world wide. The Red Cross has stood up multiple shelters in Louisiana. Their current focus is finding people safe shelters, meals and comfort to those affected by Hurricane Ida. You can donate time (even volunteer in virtual positions from home!), money or blood during the aftermath of Ida.
United Way of Southwest Louisiana - Monetary donations accepted to the local chapter of United Way for use before, during and after Hurricane Ida. United Way helps with immediate relief and efforts as well as long-term rebuilding after disaster strikes. There are also volunteer opportunities within the organization.
Greater New Orleans Foundation - Recommended as a place to donate money and resources by New Orleans Officials, the Greater New Orleans Foundation has activated the Disaster Response and Restoration Fund to help with immediate and long term needs in the community.
NOLA Ready - NOLA Ready is part of The New Orleans Emergency Response Plan. They are looking for volunteers to help assist in sorting and distributing resources as well as supporting NGOs. The NOLA Ready Website is the one stop place for all information about conditions around NOLA - Receive important text alerts, get information on road conditions and find out how to help during recovery.
Salvation Army - Salvation Army has been staging in Texas and Florida waiting for the storm to pass the Gulf Coast so they can report to the most devastated areas. Fill out the volunteer form online to see where you could be most utilized or donate to the disaster fund to help those directly impacted by Ida.
Rebuilding Together - At this time, Rebuilding together is collecting items to help first responders and volunteers as they face treacherous conditions. Consider donating items from their amazon wish list to help immediate needs or monetary donations are being accepted as well.
No matter what you have available to donate - time, money, resources - there is great need in aiding those who have been struck by Hurricane Ida.

Melanie Binversie is a Marine Corps wife and mother of three originally from rural Virginia but has recently moved from Aurora, Colorado to Okinawa, Japan. She earned a Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude in Emergency Management and a Minor in Intelligence Studies from American Military University in West Virginia. Melanie has previously worked for many years in Fire and EMS, a lab technician and also as a medic at a jail. She has earned many awards including Fort Belvoir Military Spouse of the Year, Heroes at Home Marine Corps Spouse of the Year. In her free time Melanie loves to read historical novels, write blogs, explore the beautiful beaches of Okinawa with her family and travel around the world.
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