How can ICS 300 & ICS 400 online help you to prepare?
With the looming inauguration, the FBI is warning all 50 states of credible threats of protests at state capitals. The riot at the Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 resulted in five deaths including a Capitol Police officer and a woman shot inside the Capitol Building. There were also more than 70 arrests due to the protests. Despite warnings about demonstrators, the Capitol Police did not beef up their staffing and were grossly unprepared for the escalation that ensued.
What lessons have been taken away from this situation?
According to an article by The Military Times, the National Guard inauguration deployment is twice as large as troop levels in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Let that sink in for a moment. The Defense Department has now authorized as many as 15,000 Guard members to maintain peace during the inauguration of President-elect Biden. We have manpower, now what?
Manpower is great. But do you know what is greater? The ability to manage your manpower cohesively between departments, agencies and jurisdictions. Without a cohesive plan managed by the Incident Command System, your manpower is only as good as their leadership. In an incident on this scale, the Guard will be working closely with the federal agencies, FBI and local law enforcement. This situation requires the left hand to speak to the right hand. How do we do this?
If your department was involved, are you prepared? What can you do to prepare for a situation like this?
The leadership of your department should be trained and well versed in ICS300 and ICS400 and ready to put their training into action. These courses take the knowledge obtained in previous ICS classes to the next level. Instead of merely understanding the hierarchy, you will now learn how to command the organizational flow of major incidents.
The best time to prepare for an event is now. Whether the event is planned well in advance or an urgent need arises rapidly, your department members need these classes for effective leadership. We understand in the current climate of the world, it is hard to take time off to complete these necessary courses. We have adapted with the busy world and bring you these important courses online. Further, these courses are offered on weekends so that you may complete them between work tasks!
Get your team mission ready!
To learn more about The Blue Cell online learning, check out this article.

Melanie Binversie is a Marine Corps wife and mother of three originally from rural Virginia but currently living in Aurora, Colorado. Melanie earned a Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude in Emergency Management and a Minor in Intelligence Studies from American Military University in West Virginia. Melanie has previously worked for many years in Fire and EMS, a lab technician and also as a medic at a jail. She has earned many awards including Fort Belvoir Military Spouse of the Year, Heroes at Home Marine Corps Spouse of the Year. In her free time Melanie loves to read, write, go camping with her family and travel around the world.
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